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Jewish Learning and Living 5781

Jewish Learning and Living 2020-2021*
* Formerly known as Religious School
Jewish Learning and Living is our new model for religious education at Temple Menorah! At Temple Menorah, we strive to make our Jewish learning program engaging for both learners and their families. Our goal is to give everyone an opportunity to not just learn about Judaism, but to live it as well. We also know that the pandemic has brought upon unprecedented challenges for both education and scheduling. We couldn’t be more excited to introduce a program that strives for ultimate flexibility, as well as high engagement and camaraderie, all while ensuring that our children are not in front of a screen for extended periods of time.

Program Core Components
Mifgash (“Gathering”) - main class, with weekday and weekend options
Hebrew (grades 3-7)— small group Hebrew reading and prayer classes
Enrichment - project-based elective

Please click here for the informational flyer, which includes a detailed schedule

Please fill out this form to select options for each learner in your household. If you have more than one learner enrolled in our program, simply refresh the form. After you select your learner's grade, you will be given the options open for that particular age group.
 Mifgash, Hebrew, and Enrichment options are subject to enrollment, but we will do the best we can to accommodate requests.


Some Enrichment classes will ask families to provide materials and/or ingredients.
Tue, May 7 2024 29 Nisan 5784